
I love to try new things and try to experience almost everything at least once. I'm on a daily adventure to search for beautiful things and find the beauty IN things. To live life. Build memories, laugh a lot, and to have compassion for fellow humans. I believe we create our life and that we can control who and what are lives are about. If you don't like something in your life, you have the power to change it. So here I go, on the road to making each day special as it truly is...

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Project 64: Week 9 White

Whoa, I've been really bad about keeping up with my photography project, I'm taking pictures but it just seems like time has been flying.  Call it Spring fever but I've been okay with just sitting outside, listening to the wind blow through the trees and feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin.  With that being said, I need to play a little catch up.  The challenge for this week, which was weeks ago, was White.  I've been waiting for this color as there was a building downtown I wanted to take.

but I think my favorite one is...

But in keeping white in mind, I took a photograph a few months back that I really love.

And this familiar one from last spring

And this one a keepsake from our wedding

So as I mentioned I'm starting to linger outdoors a little more these days I happened to catch these

One late morning, I can't remember what I was doing, but I heard this strange noise, I looked up and around and low and behold, I caught a brief glimpse of one pilot's journey.

And just as quick as he appeared

He was gone.
I don't even wanna know where he landed!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Project 64: Lavender

Lavender?  Really, I always thought Lavender was more purple?  I don't know that's just me.  I see pink.  But according to Crayola, here be Lavender.

Even though I took this picture last week while trying to focus on Indigo, there is a pedal in this flower that to me has Lavender in it, and I think I'm going to have to go with it and end it there.

I think this was my favorite photograph from last week -- a flowers given to me by my husband on Valentine's Day.  Love him.

Project 64: Indigo

So the major point of this project for me was to get up off my couch, get out of the house and live each day like its my last.  But for this week's project, I wanted to do some staging around the house and take some still life pictures with the color theme in mind. 

This is a feather used for my hair at my wedding.  I took this in the bathroom with natural light in the background.  I tried this on a few other victums ....

And this -- my Titanic inspired necklace.

Although my journey kept me in the confines of my home this week,  its just another reminder that there is beauty all around us and often right in front of our noses.

And after all of this did I mention that I missed my deadline to get the shot in for the week, as Homer Simpson would say ...
