
I love to try new things and try to experience almost everything at least once. I'm on a daily adventure to search for beautiful things and find the beauty IN things. To live life. Build memories, laugh a lot, and to have compassion for fellow humans. I believe we create our life and that we can control who and what are lives are about. If you don't like something in your life, you have the power to change it. So here I go, on the road to making each day special as it truly is...

Project 64: Outside the Box

Okay, so one of the things I truly love to do is take pictures.  Its something I got from my Mom, she used to do some serious photography, no computer stuff, the real shit with the dark room, chemicals and all.

So one of the girls who I work with got me into is Flickr, and in particular some photo groups.  So I Joined the One entitled:  Project 64:  Out of the box.  its where they pick a color each week to inspire you to get off that couch and take some pictures capuring the essence of the color that week.  Its exciting and I'm already into it.