
I love to try new things and try to experience almost everything at least once. I'm on a daily adventure to search for beautiful things and find the beauty IN things. To live life. Build memories, laugh a lot, and to have compassion for fellow humans. I believe we create our life and that we can control who and what are lives are about. If you don't like something in your life, you have the power to change it. So here I go, on the road to making each day special as it truly is...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Project 64: Week 6 Apricot

Another hard one this week, finding color during the drab winter is truly a challenge, even in the desert.  Most people think just because we are in the desert that we don't experience the change in seasons.  But the truth is, this year New Mexico has gone through one of the coldest winters I've seen since I moved here 10 years ago.

So as I set out this week trying to find some time between work and zumba and all the other million things a woman does in a week, I snapped some more shots around the downtown area.

There are two things I love most about downtown -- one -- the tall buildings which remind me where I came from and the other -- the murals!  Here's just a taste of beauty you find around every corner ...

some close ups

But my favorite for this weeks submission I think are these

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