
I love to try new things and try to experience almost everything at least once. I'm on a daily adventure to search for beautiful things and find the beauty IN things. To live life. Build memories, laugh a lot, and to have compassion for fellow humans. I believe we create our life and that we can control who and what are lives are about. If you don't like something in your life, you have the power to change it. So here I go, on the road to making each day special as it truly is...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Zumba: First Day of Class

OMG ... this class is no joke.
First off, let me start by showing you the picture they put on the flyer to trap you into trying this class.

That's just plain old dirty!  Okay, sure why not -- you had me at hello.  And this is how I began to lour my girls into trying this class out.  There's nothing wrong with a little visual stimulation, right?  And who doesn't want abs like that?   

Okay, so this may not have been our actual instructor. 
I won't lie to you, this class is really hard on your feet, your knees and a bit hard on your back, there is a lot of twisting and hopping around -- my feet got really tired after about 30 minutes.  I have some issues with my back so I know I have limitations, and whatever your limitation is know it before doing anything like this.  I don't think my chiropractor would approve but there's not much that he gives me the okay to do and he's one of the only people I truly trust with my back.  But I need to live life a little too, so I did this workout at my own pace and had to substitute some of the moves with a few of my own. 

Did I mention the class was also a great time.  I love to dance, and I think once you learn the steps you can have an even better time.  The music is upbeat and the people in the class and the instructor were really down to earth.

So after the workout, I put a pack of cold berries on my lower back, I started feeling a bit beat up as time went on and decided to take an anti-inflammatory too.  A day after I'm feeling really good, my back is not hurting and to tell you the truth -- I'm really not sore.  I do have to admit, I have not checked in my girlie to find out if the feeling is mutual.    But I'm definitely going to try it again next week and hopefully get another victim to come with me.

1 comment:

  1. Okay.....I stalked you and found your blog. And you know what? I love it! I only wish I had brought my camera with me and got a shot of you sprawled out on the office floor yesterday after class! :)
